Cheers to all us thieves!
Sunday Stealing: The Blame Tara Meme
Question 1: Who do you think is the hottest movie star?
Hot? As in the one who makes me perspire? I'd have to say.... right now, it's Jasper Hale... Jackson Rathbone
Question 2: Apart from your house and your car, what is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
My computer, I think.
Question 3: What is your most treasured memory?
My wedding day and giving birth to both Maegan and Paul.
Question 4: What is the best gift you’ve ever received as a child?
I can't remember that far back. My gifts came when I was an adult.
Question 5: What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
My one and only regret, a bestfriend missing my wedding.
Question 6: Give four words to describe yourself.
Four words not enough.
Question 7: What was your highlight or lowlight of 2008?
First birthday of my son Paul - highlight!
Question 8: What was your most embarrassing moment?
Sorry, never sharing that one!
Question 9: Tell something not generally known about yourself.
Diabetic who sometimes have an ocd over obsessions.
Question 10: If you were a comic strip/cartoon character, who would you be?
Tsukushi Makino - hahaha. Left over from Hana Yori Dango hangover/obsession.
2 thoughts:
Every one always over looks Jasper.He is cute also. Sorry about your bff missig your wedding mine missed mine too.
thats too bad your best friend missing the wedding
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