Monday Crazy Questions: Likes or Dislikes
1. what would you say is your biggest blessing ? My 2 kids.
2. do you shop on line...Home goods or personal items? Can you tell us what personal items you look for?? Yes, mostly things that interest me. Personal items or for my kids or hubby.
3. Name a song from your past that you have always loved. what year was it recorded? To Be Near You by Victoria
Lyrics | Viktoria lyrics - To Be Near You lyrics
4. If you found out there was a pedophile living in your neighborhood, would you take any action or ignore the fact?? Take action. I have kids, will do anything and everything to protect them.
5. If you could live in any city In the USA...what would it be? California.. perfect weather for me.
6. what is the one city you wouldn't live in even if you were paid to!? Maybe somewhere in Africa.
7. If you were strapped for cash would you ask a parent or sibling for money? My mom most likely.
8. what is your most favorite thing to do to relax when you are not working? Playing little games like Diner Dash, Cooking Dash and others.
My Bestfriend's Wedding
I'm supposed to write a speech that's supposed to introduce the avp of the couple at a wedding. I can't seem to find myself be able to write it properly. Maybe trying to write it here, will make the words flow easier.
The Bride and Groom(Wife and Hubby)
Here's my finished product:
Today is a day of celebration for both Lieca and Derick. In case you're wondering, I'm Lieca's friend of more than a decade. We met in grade school where she emerged as class valedictorian. I am here to tell you a story. Their story, in its condensed form and I hope I give it justice.
As to any story, there's a beginning, the place where the characters meet and where love began. They were not victims of love at first sight. They were victims of a very decided Cupid in the form of a very charming boss. Even in the earlier part of meeting each other, everyone thought that they were a perfect match. Everyone was right - they make the perfect fit.
But like any great love story, trials and complexities occur and there will always be a villain. For them, their villain was the timing of their meeting. But then True Love conquers all and so in this case, it did too. Their story is also peppered with humor. I recall a story told to me where Attorney Frederick de Vera appeared before the court. The fiscal then announced, " Appearing for the stenographer, and not for the defense."
Today is not the end of their story. In reality, this is just the beginning of a different chapter of their lives. A chapter where this time, they take the journey together.
The simplest version of their story is this, there are 6 billion 763 million,557 thousand people in this world and they found each other. That is the miracle. Finding the one that's for you.
I shall not bore you anymore, I cannot tell their story any better than what's coming next. Instead, I end this with a quote,
Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man. ~Edward Steichen
Note: This speech was delivered this afternoon, received a lukewarm reception since I convinced the hosts to announce the buffet carts open! No one was able to notice that I was practically shaking in my flats and pants. Plus, I could attribute the shaky voice to my colds and cough.
Sunday Stealing: The ABC Meme
Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Becky from Musings from the Sofa. She credits two bloggers for her theft, the Queen, and also Zoesmom. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
Cheers to all us thieves!
Sunday Stealing: The ABC Meme
A – An advantage you have – Having a dependable Mom.
B – Blue or brown eyes – Brown eyes (Destiny's Child)
C – Chore you hate – Cleaning the Bathroom
D – Dad’s name – Jimmy
E – Essential start of your day – Take my Insulin
F – Favorite color – Red
G – Greatest thing you’ve ever done that made you feel really good – Giving birth to my girl and my boy
H – Habit you have – Laziness!
I – Issue you hate that the world tries to make you pursue –
J – Job title – Nanny to the Grandkids
K – Kohls or Target – Target, I think.
L – Living arrangements – Separate House, but with my Mom.
M – Music you like – Rock
N - Nicknames – Mys, Meows, and Mice.
O – Overnight hospital stay – when I gave birth to my son
P – Pet Peeve – Getting Sick
Q – Quote that you like most – " Time isn't measured by the passing of the years, but by what one does, what one feels and what one achieves." - Jawaharlal Nehru
R – Right or left handed – Right
S – Siblings – One.
T – Time you wake up –. 8 am
U – Underwear – cotton
V – Vegetable you dislike – okra
W – What makes you run late – sleeping late
X – X-rays you’ve had – chest
Y – Yummy food you make – carbonara
Z – Zoo animal – Ellie the Elephant
One Word Meme From Tetcha
I was decided on stealing this meme, but lucky for me, I didn't have to. I was tagged by Tetcha of Pensive Thoughts
1. Where is your cell phone? Table
2. Your hair? Straight
3. Your mother? Strict
4. Your father? Diabetic
5. Your favorite food? Spaghetti
6. Your dream last night? Heaven
7. Your favorite drink? PepsiMax
8. Your dream/goal? Rich
9. What room you are in? Corridor
10. Your hobby? Reading
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Better
13. Where were you last night?Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Healthy
15. Muffins? Kenny's
16. Wish list item?XyronDR
17. Where you grew up? Here
18. Last thing you did? Sniffled
19. What are you wearing? T-Shirt
20. Your TV? JVC
21. Your pets? 11
22. Friends? Best
23. Your life? Stuck
24. Your mood? Depressed
25. Missing someone? Monique
26. Car? Mom's
27. Something you’re not wearing? Earrings
28. Your favorite store? Etsy
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When is the last time you laughed? Tonight
31. Last time you cried? Offended
32. Who will resend this? You
33. One place that I go to over and over? Bathroom
34. One person who emails me regularly? Spam
35. My favorite place to eat? TokyoTokyo
USING ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers. Be sure to tag the person who sent it to you!
Tagging Laine of Laine's Abode and Abie of The Sweet Life and Calvin, kung trip mo.
1. Where is your cell phone? Table
2. Your hair? Straight
3. Your mother? Strict
4. Your father? Diabetic
5. Your favorite food? Spaghetti
6. Your dream last night? Heaven
7. Your favorite drink? PepsiMax
8. Your dream/goal? Rich
9. What room you are in? Corridor
10. Your hobby? Reading
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Better
13. Where were you last night?Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Healthy
15. Muffins? Kenny's
16. Wish list item?XyronDR
17. Where you grew up? Here
18. Last thing you did? Sniffled
19. What are you wearing? T-Shirt
20. Your TV? JVC
21. Your pets? 11
22. Friends? Best
23. Your life? Stuck
24. Your mood? Depressed
25. Missing someone? Monique
26. Car? Mom's
27. Something you’re not wearing? Earrings
28. Your favorite store? Etsy
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When is the last time you laughed? Tonight
31. Last time you cried? Offended
32. Who will resend this? You
33. One place that I go to over and over? Bathroom
34. One person who emails me regularly? Spam
35. My favorite place to eat? TokyoTokyo
USING ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers. Be sure to tag the person who sent it to you!
Tagging Laine of Laine's Abode and Abie of The Sweet Life and Calvin, kung trip mo.
Creative Mom Blogger Award!
I got this award from Laine of Laine's Abode
Here's the simple rules for the Creative Mom Blogger Award:
♥ Take your award and put the logo on your post.
♥Link the person who awarded you.Remember each recipient of the award should acknowledge the person who honored them and go to Mom's Special Diary to copy and paste the award.
♥Put your own blog title and link
♥Nominate at least five deserving moms.
I nominate
Mommy Moments: School Days!
School days are here, but because of the threatening storm, effects of the bad weather, the Labrador getaway and low resistance to anything bad, daughter dear is sick and wasn't able to attend playschool for a week. She got some sort of viral infection, probably from the pool water and now she has cough and colds. Unfortunately, baby brother was infected by big sister. So I am nanny to 2 sniffling and coughing kids. Any ideas on how to cure the common cold the natural way? I'm running out of things to keep them busy and ways to let them drink their meds. They hate meds, even vitamins. Go to Mommy Moments for more entries like this one.
Thursday Thunks
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the number 1559 and the color calico.
1. Someone knocks at your door. You answer it. It's a kid from the local school selling candy bars for a fundraiser. Do you buy one? Yes.
2. The end of the world is tomorrow and you are out of milk - do you go buy some? If it's my kids', yes,I'd most likely buy milk.
3. Have you ever picked up the phone and called someone that you hadn't talked to in years? Once, a long long time ago.
4. Whats on your computer desktop background? a background made by Emila Yusof
5. What was the very first movie you saw in a movie theater? Lambada. My grandma brought me to the movie theater on a school day, she went home to the Philippines from the States. I couldn't say no to her, so played hooky for a day.
6. If you had to take a 10th grade science test, do you think you would pass? Maybe, maybe not.
7. Describe heaven. Heaven would be somewhere I can read to my hearts desire, eat to my tummy's satisfaction (presumably everything sugarfree) and somewhere I'll go when I die.
8. Has a place that you lived ever been infested with some sort of insect or rodent? Infested is a strong word for it. There are cockroaches that we try to eliminate though.
9. When you were a youngin', did you hide in the clothes racks at department stores? I don't, but my daughter does.
10. Is there anything in your vehicle that is broken? The speakers are broken. I don't hear the bass when I play cds.
11. What is something in your house that people would be surprise to find? A Xyron creative station.
12. Do you agree with the death penalty? Sometimes and that's the absolute truth.
13. Whats your favorite type of bear? A koala bear, so cute and adorable.
14. Where was the last place you went? Right now, a photo kiosk, I had them print my wedding gift.
15. What if that person knocking at your door earlier was an adult selling candy bars... would you buy one? I'd still buy one.
Yay to Yennygirl!
I won this amazing contest which I joined in using my old blog. Do you think that it's amazing that I keep using the word amazing? My guess is its annoying... Well, I'm kidding. But the contest was really great and fun. The added bonus is the fact that I did really enjoy reading her blog posts and that I was truly impressed with the photos she captured. Plus, she set me on the right path since the memes that she were answering were really interesting enough to grab my attention, particularly Thursday Thunks.
Are you interested in seeing the blog that did catch my attention?
The contest post was here and if you don't believe that I won, well, here's my evidence, this is her post for the winners.
I won this one:
* First Prize- $20 Cash Through Paypal or if you want it Western Union(Valid Only for the Philippine bloggers)
* A Fashion bracelet.
* A Questions and Answers Post that will be posted in my site. With links to the winners site/s.
So if you want to read interesting posts, discover new memes which you can post to your own blog, and relax by looking at wonderful photos --- drop by Me and Mine. You'll get that and so much more.
Are you interested in seeing the blog that did catch my attention?
The contest post was here and if you don't believe that I won, well, here's my evidence, this is her post for the winners.
I won this one:
* First Prize- $20 Cash Through Paypal or if you want it Western Union(Valid Only for the Philippine bloggers)
* A Fashion bracelet.
* A Questions and Answers Post that will be posted in my site. With links to the winners site/s.
So if you want to read interesting posts, discover new memes which you can post to your own blog, and relax by looking at wonderful photos --- drop by Me and Mine. You'll get that and so much more.
Something I look forward to on Tv
While waiting for Amazing Race Asia to come along and suffering since we don't have AXN-Beyond, I encountered this tv show. I was totally blown away. I love Magic tricks and so does Hubby. But learning how to do the magic tricks gives me even more respect to the one who thought out the details of the trick or the engineers (so I've learned from 'The Prestige'). It's just pure genius and amazing.
Yes, this show shows/reveals/unravels the mystery of all the tricks. The revelations are done by a Masked Magician since he is said to be "Breaking the Magician's Code" - that " A magician should never reveal how he does his trick." Some tricks done by David Blaine, Criss Angel, David Copperfield and the famous milkcan trick of Harry Houdini himself were revealed. Tricks like levitation, walking on a swimming pool, changing a Bentley into a Jaguar, making a string quartet disappear, making models with very tall boots disappear in seconds are just a few of the tricks revealed.
To me, it doesn't matter much that the trick is exposed, I'd still appreciate going and watching to a live magic show and still be amazed. It's knowing that it is just a trick and that at least I know a little or I may begin to imagine how the trick was done.
I'm more interested to find out about the mind reading magicians. Can they really read your mind?
Who is your favorite Magician? Do you believe in Magic?
My favorite magician is David Blaine, even if I've read the ebook of how he does his tricks, his performance always amazes me. My stand on Magic is simple. Earth is a big place, there still might be magic, untapped, or undiscovered or just purely unknown to me. Nature itself is Magic, there's got to be a lot more out there.
AN Award! Wow!
I can't believe that I got this award. Nonetheless, I am still posting it. How many times in my lifetime will I ever get one anyway?
I also award this blog to Calvin and Calvin and everyone in my blogroll. I think you're the best that's why you're blogs are there.
Thanks to Tetcha of Pensive Thoughts for this award.
If you think your blogs are the best too, leave your links. I might find them interesting. I'll add up you up to the blogroll. I'm looking for linklove.
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to everyone I know who is a father or wants to be a father.
I discovered this site from Calvin, Calvin, advance happy father's day, I hope you and your wife have kids planned.
My fathers of note:
A shout out goes to Kuya Bobot, Kuya Edward, Kuya Richard, Kuya Edmund, Kuya Alvin, Kuya Greg, Kuya Arvin, Kuya Boy, Papa Lito, Papa Romy, Daddy Jaime, and Sir Roldan, and Sir Richard.
To all the Dad Bloggers, and all dads - this day is to celebrate you, being fathers, the one who guides the kids all about girls. Kidding. The rock that the moms depend on.
Saturday ThOt: Dads and Father's Day
Copy the Questions,Answer them, Grab the Button or just link it here.
Saturday ThOt: 12 Questions on Dads and Father's Day
- What characteristic makes a man, a dad?
- How would you describe your dad?
- What is an ideal dad for you?
- Do you celebrate Father's Day? How?
- What is the best advice you received from your dad?
- Your favorite quote from your dad?
- If you have a son in his teens, who gets a girl pregnant, what would you do?
- Create adjectives/nouns using your dad/husband's initials? i.e. JIM - juicy, irritating, man
- Favorite dad character in a movie?
- Unforgettable father/father figure in a book?
- Fill in the blank/s, A dad is ________________________.
- Message to your dad:
My answers:
- Responsible and Adoring.
- Absentee for the first 11 years I think.(Raised by a single mom)
- Present and Involved in the kid's life
- Yes. Give a gift to hubby - from the kids.Greet fathers I know.
- Obey what your mom tells you.
- I love you.
- If they're prepared, go for marriage, If not, don't force the issue. But being the old-fashioned mom that I am, I would insist that he be responsible and support whatever decision the woman wants.
- P - persevering, E- enduring, D- dear R - responsible, O - overwhelming (hubby)
- 3men and a baby - John Stamos, etc. and Adam Sandler but I forgot the title.
- Carlisle of course. It just shows that you can be a dad even if not by blood but by bite.
- Someone you could talk about handling boys in your life and get an extra allowance from.
- I love you. I may not show it, say it often enough but really, I do care.
Mommy Moments: That's my Dad!
I'd rather talk about the father of my kids than my dad.
Daddy Pedz is:
- eldest of 11 kids
- University of the Philippines Diliman graduate
- a mathematician
- took Masters of Business Administration
- even took the LET and passed with uber flying colors
- hands-on dad to Maegan and Paul
- dedicated to his work
- amazing with the kids
- a great college instructor
Here are some more photos from the Labrador adventure featuring Daddy and the Kids
To the man who helped me become a Mom: HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
For other Mommy Moments like these: Click the link
Thursday Thunks
1. Are your ears dirty?
Nope. I clean them everyday, after every bath.
2. Would you rather be stung by a scorpion or bit by a snake? (Don't say one wants to be in pain, that's the point. Pick one.)
Neither, but if had to pick one, stung by a scorpion seems less pain, well at least smaller compared to a whole snake bite.
3. Do loud noises make you snappish? (i.e. A loud restaurant, screaming child next to you, booming stereo from a neighbor's house?)
Depends on my mood, if the screaming child was mine - I usually snap. The others, not too much.
4. PETA- thoughts on this org.?
Do you have to be naked to prove a point?
5. Would you rather be the discoverer of the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot? (Imagination!)
I want to see snow, so I'd rather discover Bigfoot!
6. When in a public toilet and it's not flushed: do you flush & use or move on to a clean one?
Move on to a clean one, I easily puke.
7. Neighbors are having a noisy, party bonfire, what do you do?
Let them have their fun, retaliate the next day.
8. Do you play Monopoly? If so which version of the game?
Monopoly as a mobile phone game, yes. It's the London version.
9. Are you a remote hog?
Nope, my kids are. I can't ask them to change the channel. It just jumps between Barney and Playhouse Disney.
10. Do you like the smell of paint?
Who does?
11. My questions obviously suck this week. {I've had a bad week.}
So do you think Kimber should have...
~smoked pot before doing these questions? No, unless for medicinal purposes.
~drank liquid courage? No need for it.
~begged Berleen to do them (she's better at them anyhow)? Not at all, you did a great job.
~just piss off! I could have done better! - I don't think I could do a better job.
Nope. I clean them everyday, after every bath.
2. Would you rather be stung by a scorpion or bit by a snake? (Don't say one wants to be in pain, that's the point. Pick one.)
Neither, but if had to pick one, stung by a scorpion seems less pain, well at least smaller compared to a whole snake bite.
3. Do loud noises make you snappish? (i.e. A loud restaurant, screaming child next to you, booming stereo from a neighbor's house?)
Depends on my mood, if the screaming child was mine - I usually snap. The others, not too much.
4. PETA- thoughts on this org.?
Do you have to be naked to prove a point?
5. Would you rather be the discoverer of the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot? (Imagination!)
I want to see snow, so I'd rather discover Bigfoot!
6. When in a public toilet and it's not flushed: do you flush & use or move on to a clean one?
Move on to a clean one, I easily puke.
7. Neighbors are having a noisy, party bonfire, what do you do?
Let them have their fun, retaliate the next day.
8. Do you play Monopoly? If so which version of the game?
Monopoly as a mobile phone game, yes. It's the London version.
9. Are you a remote hog?
Nope, my kids are. I can't ask them to change the channel. It just jumps between Barney and Playhouse Disney.
10. Do you like the smell of paint?
Who does?
11. My questions obviously suck this week. {I've had a bad week.}
So do you think Kimber should have...
~smoked pot before doing these questions? No, unless for medicinal purposes.
~drank liquid courage? No need for it.
~begged Berleen to do them (she's better at them anyhow)? Not at all, you did a great job.
~just piss off! I could have done better! - I don't think I could do a better job.
joy to the blog: thank you! & a giveaway
joy to the blog: thank you! & a giveaway
Yes, there's a lovely contest that's simple and easy to join, plus I love the prize... rubber stamps!
Feel free to click the link above to view the requirements and guidelines for you to be able to participate in this nice blog contest.
Be sure to check out the etsy site of the contest host - they have items that are really artistic and great.
Yes, there's a lovely contest that's simple and easy to join, plus I love the prize... rubber stamps!
Feel free to click the link above to view the requirements and guidelines for you to be able to participate in this nice blog contest.
Be sure to check out the etsy site of the contest host - they have items that are really artistic and great.
Destination: Labrador, Pangasinan
Image via Wikipedia
It was a cloudy Tuesday afternoon with a threat of rain. The plan was to have the family gather and eat lunch here then soon after head out to a resort that we've been dreaming of visiting for such a long time. The lunch started around 1 pm. Though we all thought that we were going at 11:30 or 12 noon. The guests arrived late because of the traffic caused by a construction going at Santa Barbara, Pangasinan. They are renovating the bridge.Guests were arriving from Asingan, Pangasinan - hometown of President Fidel V. Ramos. Yummy food was served and a reunion soon ensued. It was an eat and run event for the guests who were not going with us on our trip.
Destination: Covelandia Du Labrador Family Resort
The fun part of going there on an almost stormy rainy day, is the fact that we almost had the resort all to ourselves. It was only when we were about to leave that 2 other cars arrived. Click on the link to see pictures taken professionally and from the site.
Here are pictures I took: (sorry - low quality photos, bad camera and photographer(me))
This last picture, where you get to see the lighthouse, that lighthouse is in Alaminos, Pangasinan - famous for the Hundred Islands, where they also shot Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition (where the famous Gerald Anderson and Kim Chiu were cast members).
Here's an official picture from their site. This one is where my kids played. The dolphins spray water like fountains and the middle portion (gazebo) is also a fountain which oozes water in 4 corners. My little man hated being hit hard by the water, but my little lady didn't mind. She feels as if she's taking a shower.
It's not much of a beach. The water is flat, no waves when we were there. But the facility offers banana boat rides, jet ski rentals and kayaks which we didn't try because we we're there around 3 pm already and the kids didn't want to leave the kiddie pool. There's a bigger pool with a very great slide which we didn't try. Those daredevils would get a kick out of trying it out.
Fun and fast fact with this trip:
Little lady was game on as soon as she hit the water!
Little Man cried at first until I convinced him that it's just like the tub he uses at home when he takes a bath.
By the time we had to leave and get out of the water, little Man was saying: SwimT, with a pleading look on his face. This from a guy who was screaming his lungs out when he first hit water.
Image via Wikipedia
Everywhere in the Philippines, it's the First Day of Classes! Back to School!
I miss those days of being a carefree student.
Yes, I admit it, I was carefree and negligent.
How many times have I heard my teachers or instructors complain that " You're smart but lazy."?
Today, I celebrate the fact that my eldest child is now going to a playschool.
I can proudly say that she didn't cry.
She went inside and was assured that her "Mama" - her grandma was waiting outside and reading the newspaper.
My mom told me the story with so much pride. She went inside, she was assured that Mama was just outside reading the newspaper. She never came out to look for her. She had fun making a drawing with her new crayons. She couldn't wait to show them to me.
It was a picture of eggs. She also sang and participated.
I find comfort that when I asked her teacher thru text(sms) how she did. She said, "Quiet, but answers when talked to." I think that's nice. I asked my mom if there were any crying students, she told me at least 4 of the 8 kids that were there was crying. A mom even had to sit-in during the class. Oh well. That happens a lot. They grow really attached.
My daughter was excited to play with new toys and meet new people. That much, is what I think. You might be wondering if she was ever left with strangers, the answer is no. But ' teacher' was someone she met at least 3 times before classes. I had a half-hour meeting with her 'teacher' while there was a class. I brought my son as well and I stayed in the room. I was proud because she was shy then, but later, interacted with her new friends. She liked the teacher.
We visited again, to get the forms, and ask for requirements. We (Hubby and I) brought the kids again. Then, a third time to finalize her enrollment. I guess, we gave her a smooth transition for going to school.
Now, I'm all agog as to what will she wear again for tomorrow. Will also be busy packing her bag for school.
The house was quiet for 2 whole hours. I got to start cleaning the overstocked closet.
I was lucky enough that little boy wanted to take a nap because he couldn't sleep well last night.
I hope she learns from the school. I wonder if, I can enroll her next year. She'll be 4. Would that mean I can enroll her in Kinder? Or does she have to through nursery?
I'll worry about that tomorrow.
The house was quiet for 2 whole hours. I got to start cleaning the overstocked closet.
I was lucky enough that little boy wanted to take a nap because he couldn't sleep well last night.
I hope she learns from the school. I wonder if, I can enroll her next year. She'll be 4. Would that mean I can enroll her in Kinder? Or does she have to through nursery?
I'll worry about that tomorrow.
Double the Fun Contest!
This contest made me think about why I started Blogging in the first place. The last contest that really got me thinking was that of Lainy's.
This is my first entry to this wonderful contest.
I did the slogan in Taglish. Tagalog and English - to say I'm proud that I'm a Filipino and I'm a blogger. I'm not sure if it's unique though.
Here's the graphic I made as my entry.
I hope this qualifies.
Hosts of the Blog Contests:
Sister Rosilie's blogs:
Rosilie: My Blog
A Closet of Limitless for Limitless Adventure, Limitless Possibilities
Teacher Techie Says
Sister Tammy's blogs:
Forgetful Princess
Anything Under the Sun
The Sponsors' Links:
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Saturday ThOt: The ThoughtsandObsessions Tag
Image via Wikipedia
About the Tag:
- Every Saturday, I will provide a set of 12 Questions on a single topic.
- Sometimes, I'll just provide a topic and list my thoughts. If this is the case, feel free to do the same or make your own set of Q&A for diversity but please stay on the topic.
- Feel free to post suggestions on what topics you'd like discussed, talked about, thoughts, your own obsessions or passions.
- Click on Mr. Linky to list your entry or leave it as a comment.
- Once you join this weekly tag, you are encouraged to visit other blogs who also have their participation posted. Let's do this together and have fun together.
Saturday ThOt: Vampires!
- Which Vampire Author do you like most between Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris, or Stephenie Meyer?
- Who is your favorite vampire among Anne Rice's vampires and why?
- Who is your favorite vampire among Charlaine Harris' and why?
- Who is your favorite vampire among Stephenie Meyer's and why?
- Besides being immortal and drinks blood, what would your vampire be like?
- If your vampire were to have other supernatural abilities what would it be?
- If you were a vampire, would you drink animal blood or get human blood but from blood donors?
- Vampire Tv Series: Buffy, Angel, True Blood, Moonlight? or the new one... The Vampire Diaries
- Favorite Book in 'The Vampire Chronicles' of Anne Rice
- Favorite Book in 'The Twilight Saga' of Stephenie Meyer
- Favorite Book in 'The Sookie Stackhouse Series' of Charlaine Harris
- What other supernatural being do you like?
My answers:
- Anne Rice is my first love. Made me meet my first college crush.
- Lestat de Lioncourt. The Brat Prince himself. Just so stubborn.
- Sorry fans of Billy, I like Eric specially when he got amnesia.(spoiler alert!)
- Edward Cullen - the book character. In the movies: Jackson Rathbone:Jasper
- Still in touch with his humanity.
- Can affect the moods of those around him. To calm me, when I get hot-tempered.
- Animal blood - so I can have topaz eyes.
- True Blood by HBO rocks! Anna Pacquin is amazing. Just the way I imagined Sookie to be.
- Without a doubt, Queen of the Damned. Akasha, one of my favorites among the vampires was the queen there.
- Breaking Dawn, with Twilight as the close second.
- From Dead to Worse.Just Because.
- Shape Shifters! - both present in Charlaine Harris' and Stephenie Meyer's novels
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