About the Tag:
- Every Saturday, I will provide a set of 12 Questions on a single topic.
- Sometimes, I'll just provide a topic and list my thoughts. If this is the case, feel free to do the same or make your own set of Q&A for diversity but please stay on the topic.
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Saturday ThOt: Vampires!
- Which Vampire Author do you like most between Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris, or Stephenie Meyer?
- Who is your favorite vampire among Anne Rice's vampires and why?
- Who is your favorite vampire among Charlaine Harris' and why?
- Who is your favorite vampire among Stephenie Meyer's and why?
- Besides being immortal and drinks blood, what would your vampire be like?
- If your vampire were to have other supernatural abilities what would it be?
- If you were a vampire, would you drink animal blood or get human blood but from blood donors?
- Vampire Tv Series: Buffy, Angel, True Blood, Moonlight? or the new one... The Vampire Diaries
- Favorite Book in 'The Vampire Chronicles' of Anne Rice
- Favorite Book in 'The Twilight Saga' of Stephenie Meyer
- Favorite Book in 'The Sookie Stackhouse Series' of Charlaine Harris
- What other supernatural being do you like?
My answers:
- Anne Rice is my first love. Made me meet my first college crush.
- Lestat de Lioncourt. The Brat Prince himself. Just so stubborn.
- Sorry fans of Billy, I like Eric specially when he got amnesia.(spoiler alert!)
- Edward Cullen - the book character. In the movies: Jackson Rathbone:Jasper
- Still in touch with his humanity.
- Can affect the moods of those around him. To calm me, when I get hot-tempered.
- Animal blood - so I can have topaz eyes.
- True Blood by HBO rocks! Anna Pacquin is amazing. Just the way I imagined Sookie to be.
- Without a doubt, Queen of the Damned. Akasha, one of my favorites among the vampires was the queen there.
- Breaking Dawn, with Twilight as the close second.
- From Dead to Worse.Just Because.
- Shape Shifters! - both present in Charlaine Harris' and Stephenie Meyer's novels
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