Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Heretic Meme

Cheers to all us thieves!
Sunday Stealing: The Heretic Meme
1. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you lay in a bed with? My husband.
2. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Nepo Mall in Dagupan City.
3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? RHB, hahaha - no class.
4. Which do you prefer - eyes or lips? Eyes!
5. Medicine, fine arts, or law? I'm so torn right now. For my kids, one would take medicine, the other law and I'll take fine arts to learn to be creative lol! I guess Law fits me better than the other 2, so my bestfriend the lawyer says.
6. Best kind of pizza? Viva Lasagne!
7. What is in store for your future? A business. 2 Rambunctious kids going to school.
8. Who was the last band you saw live? A UP Fair concert - I don't remember. Mostly Parokya ni Edgar or Eheads.
9. Do you take care of your friends while they are sick? Not anymore.
10. How many songs are on your iPod? I don't have one. Hubby has it. Around a 100 songs I think.
11. Where is the last place you drove to? The mall, to buy groceries.
12. Where did your last kiss take place? This afternoon before I made my daughter some milk, I asked for a kiss.
13. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night? Reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
14. Are you a quitter? Sometimes.
15. Who was the last person you had in your house? Auntie Poy. My mom gave her stuff to give to my other Aunt.
15. What do you think about people who party a lot? That's how to live life! and lose life! at the same time.
16. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Yes. I'm extremely shy about talking about it.
17. What was the last CD you purchased? Barney or was it Sesame Street?
18. What are two bands or singers that you will always love? Linkin Park and Paramore
19. Which of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of? Sloth. maybe Gluttony. uhmm. Let me check, I'm lazily eating, so both?
20. How is your last ex doing? Try asking me about my best friend's exes, they're mostly my friends. I don't have one and dos doesn't count.
4 thoughts:
I like your answer to #6. And 19.
My Sunday Stealing is posted, if you can, won't you stop by for a visit. Hope your weekend is treating you well.
Who keeps track of exes anyway? Great responses. Happy Sunday...
I love your last cds that you bought lol
I also love Linkin Park
If you're a Harry Potter fan like me, you'll be blown away by The Half-Blood Prince. I won't tell you what happens, I promise!
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