Just click on the badge to see what's in store for you. Will write about it lengthily when I get the time as I had so much fun overhauling my blog, I forgot to add the other stuff I needed.
You're Invited
This is not an official post, but I just wanted to spread the word of this contest where I happily became one of the sponsors. Don't worry, your prizes for my contest are still guaranteed.

Just click on the badge to see what's in store for you. Will write about it lengthily when I get the time as I had so much fun overhauling my blog, I forgot to add the other stuff I needed.
Just click on the badge to see what's in store for you. Will write about it lengthily when I get the time as I had so much fun overhauling my blog, I forgot to add the other stuff I needed.
Please expect the blog to get an overhaul pretty soon. Perhaps after the announcement of winners, the blog may go on a hiatus for a few days as I hope that I have enough funds to administer a blog layout change.
If funds don't happen then perhaps I will try to initiate changing my blog layout myself or availing of the cheap (very) premades around the web.
Plus, I will also re-launch my other blogs and try to define who and what I like to write about. Because right now, I am pretty sure that as far as you can see and as far as I can see there is no cohesiveness to my blog posts.
To those joining the contests, I hope you know the meaning of LTINS.
If funds don't happen then perhaps I will try to initiate changing my blog layout myself or availing of the cheap (very) premades around the web.
Plus, I will also re-launch my other blogs and try to define who and what I like to write about. Because right now, I am pretty sure that as far as you can see and as far as I can see there is no cohesiveness to my blog posts.
To those joining the contests, I hope you know the meaning of LTINS.
Dreaming of a Grandia
In most of the different phases of my life, I always dreamed of having my own car. Different kinds of cars in different phases. When I was in highschool, I saw one of my classmate's sister drive a beetle otherwise known as a volkswagen. I loved it and I liked it a lot. I got to college and my roommate had the car of my dreams, a Toyota RAV4. Now, that I have a family and I want to go on long trips and bring everyone, I have now fallen in love with the Toyota Grandia.
Of course, when I dream about my cars, I dream up the interiors too. I just imagine my available accessories, dvd player for the kids, comfortable seat covers and cd players that rock. I'd imagine that the car or van would have air bags all over to keep my family safe. Foldable seats and these remarkable genuine sheepskin seat cover which I think will be soft enough to sit on and lie down on while travelling, perfect for long trips to Tuguegarao.
I also want the van to be equipped with soda holders, it's been a while since I've seen one.
Maybe get the ride customized just like the vehicles used by James Bond. Customized to be kid-friendly, kid-safe, and comfort for both kids and adults. Do you have vivid dreams about a vehicle you want to own?
Updates, Rants and What nots...
Hmm.... I still have no idea on how to draw the winners of my contests as I am still waiting for other entries.
I am finding it amusing that strangers to my blog are more willing to join than those I've known for some time. Why oh why?
With things that they dislike about the blog, more than ever my layout is being criticized... well, I have been feeling discontent about it for some time... any known or up and coming designers willing to take on that challenge?
I am reserving the funds for a certain ppc project (if it's a paying one) for my blog layout. So let's all hope for the best that (that one) is not a scam.
I found 3 designers I really like, one high end and pro, and two new discoveries.
I'm here, reading your entries...but getting sleepy.
Join all the fun.
On Being Single and Dating....
I have been married for 5 years now. In a relationship with my husband for 12 years now. I remember the days of being single and carefree. I have a few of my friends who are still single and one of my bestfriends who is my non-biological twin is still single and not taken. We are of the same age and I think if I were still single now, I'd probably be one of those who are already posting their profiles on best dating sites. I think I'd call myself a boast, but parents usually like me, the guys don't. So, if there was a date my parent show, I'll totally win. But for me to post my profile in a dating site it should pass a Wix review.
Dating is certainly something that isn't easy and isn't to be taken lightly. Sometimes, you have to take that risk since that risk is worth the effort. At times, it opens up to fears and disappointments, of dreaming that he is the one, when you are just many of the other ones he is dating. To tell you the truth, from what I've learned, you have to love yourself first, be the best version of yourself for yourself and the one for you will appreciate who you are. If it isn't time, or you're getting impatient... just think of it this way. God has a much bigger plan and a much better person in store for you.
Suddenly, I remember a quote from my dorm in college it was etched on my desk. " When all else fails, lower your standards." But I disagree, you need to find your match. Because when you lower your standards, then you are just settling for someone. Don't settle for somebody. Find your match, perhaps at Match.com.
Dating is certainly something that isn't easy and isn't to be taken lightly. Sometimes, you have to take that risk since that risk is worth the effort. At times, it opens up to fears and disappointments, of dreaming that he is the one, when you are just many of the other ones he is dating. To tell you the truth, from what I've learned, you have to love yourself first, be the best version of yourself for yourself and the one for you will appreciate who you are. If it isn't time, or you're getting impatient... just think of it this way. God has a much bigger plan and a much better person in store for you.
Suddenly, I remember a quote from my dorm in college it was etched on my desk. " When all else fails, lower your standards." But I disagree, you need to find your match. Because when you lower your standards, then you are just settling for someone. Don't settle for somebody. Find your match, perhaps at Match.com.
Dear Readers
Dear Readers,
Why do I only have a few participants? Are you finding writing about my blog difficult? I have a suggestion, to get at least 1 entry, you can always choose to write about the 10 LETTERS That I'll Never Send themes. That, by far is the easiest to do. Just give me 10 themes or topics that everyone can write about. That simple. Feel free to click on the other entries to have an idea, but please do not copy their work. They thought hard of what they're going to write.
Lucky for you guys, the contest is running a little longer. How's your day so far? Try the Story Time for Me giveaway, it's an interactive ebook where you and your child ages 1-8 can appreciate. All it takes is a few minutes to register, you can browse the available free books and I am giving out the coupon code where you can get 2 more storybook credits, you can also get 5 more if you follow the instructions found at my post. Look for it at the sidebar.
Plus, there's the domain giveaway. My pay it forward for my joy when I received this domain from Calvin's Hub. He also has a mini-giveaway involving Lenovo, if you join his mini-contest now, you might win a laptop on December so check out his site.
There are more contests/giveaways like Funky feet contest and Barney Live at Make or Break. I think there's also that contest by at Happy Thoughts Happy Tot. There's also Burn's Birthday Bash, Mouth's Delight and a whole lot more so come on guys, want to win a lot of stuff? Look for the contests and good luck!
Thank you to all my sponsors. Without you, the contest would not have been possible. Thank you also to those who would have wanted to sponsor. I apologize since I got dizzy putting up mechanics and other things I have forgotten to ask. No worries, it's the thought that counts. Perhaps, if these giveaways are successful I can start an earlier campaign for next year. Again, thank you.
1st Major Giveaway of Written by Mys
Brought to you by Mys and all the Sponsors!!
5000 entrecard credits
1 month ad space from selected sponsor blogs
3000 entrecard credits
1 month ad space from selected sponsor blogs
1000 entrecard credits
1 month ad space from selected sponsor blogs
Husband of a BloggerENTRECARD & AD SPONSORS
- 10 Things I like about Written by Mys
- 10 Things I Dislike about Written by Mys
- 10 Themes for Letters That I'll Never Send
- 10 Things I wish for Written by Mys
- 10 Topics Written by Mys should write about
In the same entry please post the great sponsors that made this blog giveaway possible. Here's a code which you can easily copy and paste to your blog post (put it in edit html mode then paste)
Take the Pink Ribbon Challenge!
October is breast cancer awareness month. As a health care worker, I see and dealt a lot of patients even friends going through the battle of breast cancer. This month I would like to join the pink ribbon challenge. Just click the pink ribbon to help one woman save life by getting free mammogram. If you may join with me and pass the pink ribbon challenge. These links are ONLY for "Pink Ribbon Challenge" participants, any links not related to the Pink Ribbon Challenge will be deleted. Grab the code at Things We Share and post it in your blog entry. Please post only the Pink Ribbon Challenge actual post link here and help The Breast Cancer Site and National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. by spreading the Pink Ribbon Challenge.
Help Wanted!
Hi! I'm finishing up the requirements for my 1st major giveaway and I need help!!!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone please direct me to where I can do a Grab button for all the sponsors and their links?
I want the contest to be as painless as possible and the task feels daunting to me.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Please come and join my 2 giveaways. The storybooks from Story Time for Me and the Domain Giveaway.
Thank you very much in advance!!!!
Can anyone please direct me to where I can do a Grab button for all the sponsors and their links?
I want the contest to be as painless as possible and the task feels daunting to me.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Please come and join my 2 giveaways. The storybooks from Story Time for Me and the Domain Giveaway.
Thank you very much in advance!!!!
Join Domain Name Giveaway from Written by Mys
My real purpose for hosting a giveaway is my being thankful. Besides my diabetes, blogging is the one thing that changed my life forever. I learned a lot of things and I got interested in a lot of things. I would like to offer this opportunity to do the same thing that made my life different and happy. Nothing beats the feeling of getting a domain name, writing about what I wanted and liked, and in the end earn some money on the side, which I can use to buy some stuff for my kids.
I remember last year, my christmas gift to them was from my hard-earned blogging money, which wasn't really much, but saved me a lot since their gifts were unique, they loved it for 5 days then I had to keep it. I bought it online so I really loved that I got to see where my blogging money went.
So what am I blabbing about???
If you're reading this far, you must be very patient.
This is my pay it forward which is already long overdue and this is different from the giveaway about to be launched on Oct. 10.

Required:(Doing all the required gets you 10 points)
1. Grab the button post in your sidebar.
2. Blog about the giveaway and in the same post, state your reason why you want to own your own domain.
3. Leave a comment with the link to your blog post or leave it in the linky tool.
1(One) Lucky Winner will win a domain of their own choice (must be .com, .net, or worth $10 domain name only) from me and will be drawn via The Hat.
The lucky winner must register a godaddy account for me to be able to transfer the said domain.
Optional:(Get 5 points for doing all optional things, if not get 2 points for only 1 option)
1. Subscribe via email or by reader, or by whatever way you want.
2. Follow me through Google Friend Connect
Leave a comment here about doing the optional stuff.
I'm trying to do this as easy and as painless as possible.
If you have questions, points of clarifications, leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
Oh, wait....Contest ends November 2, Midnight.
Thanks and keep visiting as I think of ways to make my 10-10-10 contest better.
I remember last year, my christmas gift to them was from my hard-earned blogging money, which wasn't really much, but saved me a lot since their gifts were unique, they loved it for 5 days then I had to keep it. I bought it online so I really loved that I got to see where my blogging money went.
So what am I blabbing about???
If you're reading this far, you must be very patient.
This is my pay it forward which is already long overdue and this is different from the giveaway about to be launched on Oct. 10.
Required:(Doing all the required gets you 10 points)
1. Grab the button post in your sidebar.
2. Blog about the giveaway and in the same post, state your reason why you want to own your own domain.
3. Leave a comment with the link to your blog post or leave it in the linky tool.
1(One) Lucky Winner will win a domain of their own choice (must be .com, .net, or worth $10 domain name only) from me and will be drawn via The Hat.
The lucky winner must register a godaddy account for me to be able to transfer the said domain.
Optional:(Get 5 points for doing all optional things, if not get 2 points for only 1 option)
1. Subscribe via email or by reader, or by whatever way you want.
2. Follow me through Google Friend Connect
Leave a comment here about doing the optional stuff.
I'm trying to do this as easy and as painless as possible.
If you have questions, points of clarifications, leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
Oh, wait....Contest ends November 2, Midnight.
Thanks and keep visiting as I think of ways to make my 10-10-10 contest better.
Contest Updates and Thank You!
First of all, Thank you to all the Sponsors I've emailed, badgered and those who relented and have sent their pledges to me. Super Thank You very much.
The List of Sponsors who have sent their pledges are:
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf
Lover Mushroom
I am a Princess...all girls are
Plate and Me
Mom Workaholic
Yam's Files
Pen, Paper, Pan
Pop Ups of My Mind
The Miscellaneous Me
Heart's Content of a Mama
Love, Home, Grow
Woman's Elan Vital
Petty and Awesome Things in a Teacher's Life
If you want to sponsor, please do so, you have until October 5 to send it.
Somehow, I am starting to be afraid of accepting entrecard credits... I don't want the winners to chase sponsors...so this just might be a cash only and adspace prize contest.
What do you think?
WAIT! There's more...Since I couldn't wait... Here's a Giveaway Just for You... and this is practically a forever kind of Giveaway!
Got Kids? Nieces? Nephews? Adored Student? Relatives that belong to the age group 1-8, even strangers perhaps? Got internet?
If you answer Yes, to basically knowing kids and having internet then this giveaway is just for you.
Do you love to Read? Do you want your kids to Read? If you care for any child and you want them to enjoy reading, I personally recommend this offer. No catch. All you have to do is register and take advantage of the coupon code I give you to get 2 (TWO) storybooks for you. You'd be amazed at the simplicity and beauty of the concept. They highlight the words, each character's voice is different and distinct, and the narrator's voice is also different.
Here's a screenshot:
You can stop the animation, highlight a certain word, flip the pages manually and a whole lot more.
Do I have your attention now?
Need I say more?
Oh yes, here's your coupon code so you can get 2 storybook credits. They have a lot to choose from so choose wisely. They are also looking for affiliates if you're interested, leave a message, I can refer you to the very accommodating boss.
What are you waiting for?
Click on that button, register, and redeem 2 storybooks! That simple!
They have 3 books that are free for browsing. Plus, you can preview the other books as well. Really amazing.
The added bonus??? They offer personalized multimedia storybooks. As in a photo of your kid going on an adventure, now that one is in my sights when I start earning big.
There's More.
From Sir Andrew:
For those of you that want to earn an additional 10 stories (on top of the 2
stories) all you have to do is refer 5 of your friends or relatives that
have kids ages 1-8 that would also enjoy 2 free books. This is all they
need to do:
1) 'like' my FB fan page here http://storytimeforme.com/facebook.
2) make a FB post on their wall encouraging their friends to check out
Story Time For Me and to take advantage of the 2 free stories.
3) They need to refer 5 of their friends to sign up for the 2 free
stories. It's not enough to just give me the names, the friends actually
have to sign up (but there is no cost for them)
4) They need to send me a private message on my facebook here
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1367048529 telling which the full
name and email of the friends that signed up. They also need to give me
their own full name with their email
Once I confirm that the 5 friends did indeed register at Story Time For Me I
will email them a unique access code which they can then redeem 10 stories
which is a $24 value.
So, go ahead. Do it right now.
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