I love how
Pehpot makes an effort to help other bloggers, by sharing opportunities, helping out in designs, the effort she gives to her friends in creating those picture perfect greetings you see in the blogniverse when it is someone's special day. For your kindness and generosity, Thank You.
Why is the title my state of the blog address? It's actually a play on words with something that actually happened. Miss Pehpot and I were talking or discussing opportunities and she mentioned that you can easily forward and land directly to the my blog address. My blog address isn't http://writtenbymys.com, it's http://www.writtenbymys.com. Before, when you entered my blog url without the www you would get a redirection page (one that is hosted by godaddy) and you will be redirected to my page in about 8 seconds. Miss Pehpot pointed out that there's a simpler way and that if anyone types my url whether with or without the www, they will be directed to my blog. Thank you for making it simpler for my readers and visitors.
As for the state of my blog, well, I think it's faring fine but could do better. I really really miss Letters That I'll Never Send, maybe its reinstatement will come next month, so that its anniversary will be that of hubby's birthday.
My blogging opportunites come and go, there was a site that offered around 5 jobs for me, but I have to do 15 jobs to cash out at least. So I'm waiting around for the next 10.
Adgitize. I read that some people got questions about adgitize. Look no further and ask one of the greatest resources in the subject,
Ms. Pehpot the techie. My experience with adgitize is if you can afford to pay to become an advertiser and have the dedication to just click on 51 blogs and of course, write those articles you love to do then by all means go for it. I won a gc for adgitize in the biggest contest in the blogniverse a long/short time ago. Now, I'm trying to build my earning for that 1 month. Without it my earnings would not reach a dollar since I usually stop clicking when I reach 40. It is indeed easier thru Ms. Pehpot's
adgitize tool but everytime I try to sit and do it, the kids would start demanding my attention.
I will never complain about the visits I get due to entrecard and adgitize. I am forever grateful for those clicking on my ads. You should realize by now that I have no google ads on my site because when I changed email addresses and etc, the google account stayed with it. I will try to research on how to reapply my google ads to have some extra moolah.
What advertising agencies do you use? Nuffnang? Chitika? Infolinks? Project Wonderful? Which one gives you the best value for your effort?
My domain is now renewed! Yay! You'll have me for a year more and hopefully my blog's pagerank won't be stripped. If it survives the next google update then I encourage you to join, my blog meme Letters That I'll Never Send.
That's all I think.